No cookies or tracking technologies are employed throughout the normal operation of this site. No attempt is made to identify normal website users.
No information is harvested about normal website users.
Under all circumstances, your use of this website is solely at your own risk.
"Drogheda SEO" is a trademark and a business name with Companies Registration Office (CRO) registration number 640666, trading in the Republic of Ireland.
The minimum charge for consultancy is €50.00 (0% VAT) then €12.50 per additional quarter hour or part thereof (0% VAT), plus mileage if outside Drogheda (15cent/km each direction). A discretionary minimum required notice of cancellation for any booking is 24 hours. Any party is free to discontinue any consultancy at any time, for any reason. All payments must be settled in full at the ends of each of the sessions.
Full websites are available subject to further terms and conditions agreed between relevent parties, but as an indicator to price the cost of labour is €50.00/hour, with hosting, domain name, and any SSL cert purchase costing extra. As an indicator to price an average website will cost about €2000.00 including hosting, domain name, SSL Cert purchase, SEO implementation, and can take two weeks to make. Any custom integrations including without limitation e-commerce integrations, or, any other difficult or non-standard elements to be included in the final website or any content to be added that will increase the total working time on the website past 2 weeks will increase hourly rate labour costs and whatever additional third-party purchases required, by prior agreement. Services shall be performed with reasonable skill and care, but once paid for they cannot be refunded, nor can any extra costs incurred by prior agreement be refunded. All prices here include VAT at the zero rate.
As an idea of price, Android Apps start at €8000.00.
All services are provided "as is" and "as available". Drogheda SEO is not responsible for any loss of any kind whatever including without limitation financial loss to any party for any reason. The customer is solely responsible for any advice he/she/it decides to take. The performance or following of any instruction including written or verbal instruction from Drogheda SEO including attendance at any place for a meeting or meetings is solely at the customer's own risk. For an example of this, Drogheda SEO is not responsible for any damage to any property or for any injury to any person resulting out of any accident, fall, etc., and, this example does not restrict the scope of the term in that it will apply in its broadest possible sense and will include different classifications of examples. By availing of any services of Drogheda SEO you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and to be bound by them. Apart from these terms printed here on this page, the text on this website will not form any agreement or any part of any agreement between parties i.e. the text from the other pages. Any further agreement(s) reached will be done by telephone text message or email, and formed at the time of consultation by telephone or at any meeting. Services advertised on this site are for informational purposes and give a broad outline of the kinds of services available.
The rate of VAT in the Republic of Ireland is 0% due to being below VAT income thresholds but this is subject to change. Any rate of VAT advertised is subject to change in accordance with the law, in which case the new VAT rate will be added to the quoted price(s).
In the case of any dispute please first make contact with Drogheda SEO directly through the Contact Page. The business owner is a reasonable person and will normally be eager to resolve any and all problems amicably. The legal jurisdiction in any unlikely situation where any dispute cannot be informally resolved through direct consultation with Drogheda SEO is the courts of the Republic of Ireland. Disputes about domain names that cannot be resolved informally should be first registered and concluded with the appropriate authorities before going to the courts.
"Scraping" of content will be reported to SERPs as it can affect business so please don't do it. Hotlinking images etc will just result in a redirect so please don't do that either thanks for your patience and understanding. No embargo on linking normally to this site.
Names of well known Irish and International Hosting Providers might be provided to you, including with a link, for example Blacknight Irish Hosting, but you accept that clicking any link or availing of any product or service even after it has been recommended to you is solely your responsibility.